The Creux du Van has been on my list-of-things-to-do-before-I-leave-Switzerland almost since I arrived here three years ago. (I realize this is cliche, but, seriously, where has the time gone?!?) Since I now know that I am leaving Switzerland at the end of this year and the area around Noiraigue had the best weather in Switzerland last Saturday, I decided to do this hike last weekend.
The hike starts and ends in the little village of Noiraigue, with a lot of climbing in between. The routes up and down were primarily through the woods. There was a hint of fall everywhere, with tinges of gold on some of the trees, late-summer flowers blooming, and a crisp feeling in the air. The wind rustling through the leaves also sounds different in the fall, and you can feel that things are on the cusp of changing.
Tank barriers, I think? In the forest. |
First glimpse of the Creux du Van. |
First signs of fall! |
Because this is me, I definitely took a half-hour detour somewhere along the way, but it was through some pastoral cow pastures, so it wasn't too bad. Once I back-tracked, I finally found myself on the edge of the Creux du Van. It is spectacular, and definitely different from what I picture when I think of Switzerland.
Detour! |
I had a picnic lunch perched on the edge of the Creux, along with a group of very tipsy and loud Swiss German ladies. They were ridiculous!
After my picnic on the far south (?) edge of the Creux, the hiking path takes you right along the rim. It would be a long ways to fall, and it made a little nervous at times, but it was incredible!
Eventually I made it to the far north rim of the Creux, took one last good look, and headed back down through the forest, back to Noiraigue.
I'm really happy that I made it to the Creux du Van; it was really beautiful and and enjoyable hike!