Friday, August 27, 2010

Home is a Place

Finding a home for my stay in Zurich was one of the biggest unknowns in all of my preparations, as Zurich has a apartment vacancy rate well under 1% (0.47%, currently). I searched various websites and was in contact with several different places in Zurich, but they were either full, wanted me to stop by the next day for a meeting, or wanted me to speak German. As I couldn't just pop over to Zurich for an evening or learn German in short order, I was stuck. Just when I was starting to seriously freak out, I ran in to some family friends, who mentioned that they have family in Switzerland. Thus, while working in Zurich, I will be staying with our friend's cousin's sister's friends, Lisbeth and Franz! They live in a smaller town outside of Zurich called Winterthur, which is more out in the country than in the city.

The Google Street View:

View Larger Map

If you look closely, you can see Franz in the doorway of the house in the lilac shirt!

I am excited to have the chance to live with real people (as opposed to living in short-term student housing) and to experience more of Swiss life! It doesn't hurt that I will have my own bedroom and bathroom and that Lisbeth has offered to make me breakfast, which we will take in her large garden! Yes, please! I think this will quite make up for the hour commute each way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay for posting your address! I'm sure something exciting will be coming your way in short order... :)