Friday, March 18, 2011

European fashion?

There is no doubt that fashion in Europe is very different from the US. (Even just last week I got a comment, "Oh, you're wearing white? We don't wear white in winter..." because I was wearing a white shirt.) And that men here tend to care about fashion more than in the US. Or at least my little Midwest corner of the US.

I appreciate that men here tend to look sharper and less scruffy. And the fact that men can be egregious fashion victims is something that I find new and entertaining. I'm used to women adopting ridiculous trends, but I have never lived somewhere where men are also on the bleeding edge of fashion. Here, some men pay just as much attention to fashion as women. Watch out, world! And really, some of the current trends over here really just should never happen. For example: what do you get when you cross the skinny jean trend with the harem pant trend, and then decide that these should be for men, too?

You get some bizarre concoction that looks like a denim diaper with legs. (At least in my humble opinion.)

**Photo credit:

Really, who thought that this was a good idea? Aside from looking atrocious, it doesn't even look comfortable!

I was at a concert where a man in the band was wearing this style of jeans, and I got so distracted (in a not good way), because they were just so hideous. I don't remember what the others in the band were wearing, and I don't remember the songs. I just remember the denim diaper. I never thought I'd say this, but really, skinny jeans are so much better!