Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rosemoor Gardens.

After some very tricky driving through Exmoor National Park, involving roads barely wide enough for our one car with blind curves and stone walls on both sides, we wound up at Rosemoor Gardens. Because we only had two hours for our visit, we got discounted tickets. My dad was slightly dismayed by the disclosure that two hours was not even going to be enough to see all of the gardens and threatened to sit down on the husband bench, where there was already one poor gentleman sleeping. We got him past the husband bench and into the garden, though!

The garden is set up as a series of different outdoor rooms with various themes.

Even though it was late September, there were still lots of roses blooming. I think I took a picture of almost every one...

There was one "room" in particular that was very vibrant and full of fall colors.

Since it was fall, the dahlias, sedum, and sunflowers were fantastic.

The gardens are quite large, and we did spend most of our two hours walking from section to section- and there were definitely parts that we missed!

The end of our tour led us to the fruits and vegetables garden, which featured gourds and squash grown up on fences and trellises like other vines. I have to admit, I was a little nervous about walking through the arch with large melons hanging precariously over my head, but it seems to work.

This plant was so cool!

The melon-festooned trellis.

Even though we only had two hours, I really enjoyed our trip to Rosemoor Gardens! A garden is something I really miss having in Switzerland, so I appreciate the chance to enjoy other people's gardens. Plus, I firmly believe that you can never smell too many roses!