Thursday, January 20, 2011

Swiss Time Does Not Round.

When I was back in Minnesota, I forgot just how legitimately precise Swiss people tend to be about public transportation. The following is an actual exchange about the tram time from a flat I was looking at to the ETH campus:

Me: "So it would take 20 minutes to get in to campus?"
They: "No."
Me: "Oh, how long, then?"
They: "It will take 17 minutes."

The funny thing is that they were (of course) precisely correct, both theoretically and actually, since the train is scheduled to do this route in 17 minutes and, in fact, does the route in 17 minutes 99% of the time.

Lesson learned: rounding time is not done here, it seems. If something takes 17 minutes, you say it takes 17 minutes, not 15 and not 20.

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