Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Easter basket!

I just got an Easter package from my parents, and it had my (finally) finished quilt in it. My mom and I took a quilting class together maybe 4 years ago, but we didn't finish our quilts. Then grad school happened, and the quilt sat unfinished in a bag in my closet for years. For Christmas, my parents gave me the present of having someone finish the quilt, since it just needed the backing put on and the actual quilting of the layer together to be done. And now I finally have it in my hot little hands! I'm pretty sure that I had no idea when I started this project that it would end in Switzerland! And, I still love the pattern that I picked all those years ago- I am really happy with it! Thanks, Mom and Dad!

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1 comment:

Sue said...

What a nice surprise! I hope you enjoy the warm greetings from home.